Sunday, April 5, 2015

Is Money a necessity in order to achieve the American Dream?

Do you think money is required to achieve the American Dream?

Many people will argue that money either is, or is not required in order to achieve the American Dream. Well, you may be asking what is the American Dream? There is no exact definition of the "American Dream", as we all have our own definition of it, but the general definition is to be able to live freely within peace with a comfortable income (or retirement).  

Here are some statistics to consider: 

1. The majority of Americans believe that it is more difficult to achieve the American Dream than it was a decade ago, due primarily to the high costs of education and healthcare. 

2. Americans who have chosen to work fewer hours report an overall improvement in quality of life, indicating that this shift has positively affected their lives by allowing for more free time and reduced stress.
3. Americans are interested in increasing their sharing practices and learning more about the sharing economy. Over half of respondents believe that sharing lowers environmental impact, builds community, and helps save money.
4. Americans feel strongly that the way we live produces too much waste, and that our high consumption levels are largely responsible for global environmental problems. An overwhelming majority feel that we will need to make major changes in the way we live to counterbalance this phenomenon.
5. Americans believe that commercialism and advertising have gotten out of hand in the United States, and that the government should do more to combat it. Almost three-quarters of Americans believe there should be limits on advertising to children, including limits on advertising in public spaces and in schools.
6. Millennials make use of sharing economy services—such as bike sharing and peer-to-peer lodging—at a rate more than double their Baby Boomer and Gen X peers, and are interested in expanding their sharing practices. They are also more optimistic than Baby Boomers and Gen Xers that they will be able to achieve the American Dream.
7. Non-white Americans are more interested in sharing practices than white Americans.  
Here are some statistics of what Americans think of the American Dream:

Source: (
So, the question still remains. Do you think money is required in order to achieve the American Dream?

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